My brain shook, and my brain shook, and my brain shook, and then I started hurting all over, and then I got a fever and started vomiting, and then my words started slurring, and then I decided that I wasn't so happy about all of these withdrawal symptoms and took myself to the doctor. Who told me not to be daft, because I wasn't withdrawing from anything: I had influenza and had to go to bed with medicine and water. Which I am now just about to do.
I'm starting to come to the conclusion that something has to change, because working with children in a country against which I have no inbuilt immune system is trying to kill me on an almost weekly basis. I am constantly ill.
But I'll think about that later. Right now, I'm going to wrap up and go to bed where I can enjoy all the shaking of what's left of my brain. And the destruction of what's left of my immune system.